Rehana Ahmed, MD, PhD

            Bio     Articles     PubMed


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Dr. Ahmed’s research interests include cancer etiology, lymphedema, and quality of life. She coordinated the "Weight Training in Breast Cancer Survivors" study, which examined the effects of twice weekly progressive strength training in 88 recent breast cancer survivors. The study looked primarily at changes in body composition, health related quality of life, and hormonal risk factors for cancer recurrence. 


Board Certified Dermatologist, Skin Care Doctors, P.A.

Clinical Assistant Professor, The University of Minnesota, Department of Dermatology


  1.    Resident Dermatologist: The University of Minnesota, Dept. of Dermatology

  2. Medicine Internship: The University of Minnesota, Dept. of Medicine

  3. M.D., The University of Minnesota

  4. Ph.D., Epidemiology, The University of Minnesota

  5. B.A., The Johns Hopkins University


Research Areas Of Interest

  1. Cancer etiology and survivorship, including lymphedema and quality of life.


Selected Honors

  1. NIH Medical Science Training Grant               

  2. NIH Cancer Epidemiology Training Grant               

  3. Thomas Shevlin Predoctoral Fellowship (U of MN Graduate School) 

  4. National PEO Foundation Scholarship                      

  5. Minnesota Medical Foundation Rosa Steer Breast Cancer Research Award

  6. Alpha Omega Alpha, U of MN Medical School

  7. Women’s Dermatologic Society Mentorship Award

  8. Phi Beta Kappa, Johns Hopkins University                      



  1. Society of Investigative Dermatology

  2. American Dermato-Epi Network

  3. Women’s Dermatologic Society

  4. American Society of Dermatologic Surgery

  5. American Academy of Dermatology

  6. Survivor’s Training, Board Member


Journal Articles:

  1. Prizment AE, Alonso A, Folsom AR, Ahmed RL, Virnig BA, Warshaw EM., Anderson KE. “Association Between Psoriasis and Incident Cancer: The Iowa Women’s Health Study.” In Press, Cancer Causes and Control

  2. Schmitz KH, Ahmed RL, Troxel AB, Cheville A, Lewis-Grant L, Smith R, Bryan CJ, Williams-Smith CT, Chittams J. “Weight Lifting for Women at Risk for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema.”  Journal of the American Medical Association, published online ahead of print December 8, 2010

  3. Hormes JM, Bryan C, Lytle LA, Gross C, Ahmed RL, Troxel AB, Schmitz KH. “Impact of Lymphedema and Arm Symptoms on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors.” Lymphology. 43(1): 1-13 (2010)

  4. Speck B, Gross C, Hormes JM, Ahmed RL, Lytle LA, Schmitz KH. “Changes in the Body Image and Relationship Scale (BIRS) Following a One Year Strength Training Trial for Breast Cancer Survivors With or at Risk for Lymphedema” Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 121(2):421-30 (2010)

  5. Schmitz KH, Ahmed RL, Troxel A, Cheville A, Smith R, Lewis-Grant L, Bryan CJ, Williams-Smith CT, Greene QP. “Weight Lifting in Women with Breast-Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” New England Journal of Medicine. 361:664-73 (2009).

  6. Articles Continued...















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